Break-Even ROAS Calculator
Profit Margin:
Break-Even ROAS:
Cost of Goods/Service (COGS) is how much you will pay to get the product delivered to customers, including any additional fees.
Selling Price is how much you are selling this product for.
A cost multiplier is calculated as Selling Price / COGS.
The profit margin is simply the selling price minus COGS (Cost of Goods and Services). The profit margin will tell you a lot: How much you will earn, how much you can spend on marketing, when you will break even, and more. It is also known as the Break Even Point (BEP).
Break Even ROAS (Return On Ad Spent) is the number to remember. This will tell you if your marketing is profitable or not. The BE ROAS will be the determining number for profitability. As long as your ROAS is above B.E ROAS, you are profitable.